American Warrior
American Warrior is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization out of Glastonbury, CT. AW’s federal ID number for donations is #26-0758071.
American Warrior began in 2006 when our founder had the opportunity to visit the World War II Memorial. During this visit Christopher realized the one thing missing from the Memorial was World War II Veterans. Chris knew that most Veterans were unable to see their memorial as his grandfather and six great uncles never had the opportunity. From this experience Chris had a vision to motivate hundreds to make a patriotic difference and send these heroes to their Memorial, before it was too late.
Support and Honor American Veterans and Patriotic Operations
On September 15th, 2007 we completed our first Day of Honor. This one day chartered journey had 100 WWII Veterans and 45 Guardians fly on a chartered Airbus 320 to Reagan International Airport. During this journey we enjoyed lunch at the WWII Memorial and then visited the Korean, Vietnam, Air Force, Sea Bee, Navy and Marine Memorials. Amazingly the final cost for this wonderful journey is less then $250 per WWII Veteran.
Along with sending WWII Veterans to their Memorial we bring these heroes to schools, senior centers and other fraternal organizations. These heroes have the unique ability to inspire people from all generations.

Motivate tens of thousands of people to make a patriotic difference in support of veterans, their communities and America

AW continues to focus on how to efficiently manage our resources to support Veterans and patriotism. In order to accomplish our goals we have utilized the support of hundreds of volunteers and organizations. If you would like to make a patriotic difference please register to volunteer or donate. We have a lot of work to do and every dollar or helping hand goes a long way.
Board of Directors
Christopher Coutu
Founder -
Paul Tetreault
(Air Force Chief Ret.) - Veterans -
Kandyce Aust
Marketing -
Laura Fanelli
Marketing - Joe Markley
John Klick
IT/Website Mgmt -
Dan McHale
(Retired Army General) - Military Relations - Bill Palifka
- Yessika Valenzuela
- Dave Levin
Legacy Advisory Team
- Susan Ponder
- Warren Rogers